Friday, February 15, 2019

Pain shouts louder

Bells in the morning
Already I'm awake
It's the noise I hear
Wake up with tears
With River flowing 
Over my body I'm wet
No where to go 
With tears like water 
Right in those pipes 
I sneak to survive 
No Dogs should notice
Music bucks the Dog
Snakes bites those rags
I hate to feel the pain
Run to escape 
Soon as I can 
With force I fall 
Down as frogs I jump
With hope I survive
With those bells 
I wake inside the can
Metal smell I sleep
With dust I keep fighting
My heart runs faster
With Snakes I crawl
My knees weakening
I dream as birds
Soft of towel I hold
My bones broken 
To the core I hurt
That pain is louder
I can't cope anymore
This noise is too loud
Pain shouts louder.

Slondile Dlamini

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